Unlike previous editors, all song data is held in a single data list, where patterns, samples and effects are gradually built up (into an arsenal to be used at the musicians disposal)...
The following list is a summary of all the allocated commands that may be issued when the music is run. Except for GO!!, all other commands will not delay the music.
Further details of each command may be found below this summary.
*Value (*1,*2,*A) refer to further details that may be found towards the bottom of this page.
Code: Select all
Cm-Sz Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Data 4 Data 5
00-01 End of Music Volume
01-01 Play Pattern Pat ID Len lo Len hi Pattern Data
02-01 Trigger In Loc Lo Loc hi Value
03-01 Spare
04-108 Note
70-01 Spare
71-15 Volume
80-01 Note Period Period
81-01 Trigger Out Loc lo Loc hi Value
82-64 Play Effect Length Effect Data
C2-01 Spare
C3-01 Spare
C4-01 Spare
C5-01 Note Tempo Tempo
C6-01 Efx Tempo Tempo
C7-01 Play Sample SMP ID Len lo Len hi Sample Data
C8-01 Set Noise NoisePW
C9-01 Set Filter Filter
CA-01 AY Channel A
CB-01 AY Channel B
CC-01 AY Channel C
CD-01 Virtual D
CE-01 Virtual E
CF-01 SID Virtual F
D0-01 AY Change All
D1-01 Mask Register Register Value Mask
D2-01 Start SID Register Style Sync
D3-01 Stop SID
D4-01 Set Note OFS Offset
D5-01 Set Pitch OFS Offset
D6-01 Slide Up Step Period
D7-01 Slide Down Step Period
D8-01 Slide to Note
D9-01 Stop Slide
DA-01 Loop Position Pos lo Pos hi
DB-01 Arpeggio Steps
DC-01 Vibrato Steps
DD-01 Tremelo Steps
DE-01 Set Rules Rule Parameter
DF-01 Fine Tune Base lo Base hi
E0-01 Spare
E1-01 VSlide Up Period End Volume
E2-01 Vslide Down Period End Volume
E3-01 Exec Patch Patch lo Patch hi
E4-01 Set Register Register Value
E5-01 Set Reg Pair Register Value lo Value hi
E6-01 Rest(Pattern)
E7-01 Interlace Channel Speed
E8-08 Track Start Len Name Track Name
F0-01 Hear Volume
F1-14 Spare
FF-01 Go!!
The Command may be a Tempo change, Set Register, Define Pattern or use Note etc.
As with use Note and Effect, the command holds a range(or Size(Sz)) which directly relate to the number of available notes or effects.
And now the Commands in more detail
Code: Select all
00-01 End of Music Volume
The data sets the final volume as the music ends.
The volume may be from 0 to 15.
This Command is only valid outside the Pattern and Effect data (it will be be ignored within)
Code: Select all
01-01 Play Pattern Pat ID Len lo Len hi Pattern Data
If the Pattern specified does not already exist, the data that follows will hold the Pattern/s and all parameters will be used.
If the Pattern specified does exist then only the Pat ID will be used.
Pat ID - Values 0 to 127 are valid (128 Patterns)
Len lo & Len Hi refer to the length of the pattern data only.
This Command is only valid outside the Pattern and Effect data (it will be be ignored within)
Different Trackers have different ways of dealing with Patterns. Patterns in the 'New Tracker' share the same list (Like Maxymiser on Atari ST) across all channels, however the Editor will similulate multiple lists (like SSD on Atari ST).
Code: Select all
02-01 Trigger In Loc Lo Loc hi Value
a value(Value)
Whilst the Music is awaiting this trigger, it will be in the idle state, and will consume
very little CPU time.
Trigger In may be used inside or outside a Pattern but not inside an Effect (it will be be ignored within)
Code: Select all
04-108 Note
If a note is used within the effect, it will overwrite the existing note and all subsequent
changes will be based on the new one.
If used in a Pattern the Note will be paired up with the Note Period, Effect Number and Note
Volume to form the next sound on the current channel.
Code: Select all
71-15 Volume
If the volume is used within an Effect, then it will be relative to the Pattern volume.
If Volume is used outside both pattern and Effect areas it will define a master volume
for the current channel and will take immediate effect.
All volumes then used within patterns and effects will be based on this value.
If a volume change is required accross all channels, then command D0 should be issued
beforehand so that all volumes are written to.
If a volume change is required within a pattern but whilst a note is being played, then
either the effect should contain the volume change or command F0 should be used.
Code: Select all
80-01 Note Period Period
Note Period may also be used in an effect to add a delay (in ticks) to the effect.
If Note Period is used outside both pattern and Effect areas it will delay the music.
The Period may be from 0 to 255.
Code: Select all
81-01 Trigger Out Loc lo Loc hi Value
(Loc Lo, Loc Hi).
The music will continue as normal.
Care must be taken not to write values within the music player code or data, since no
protection is given,
Code: Select all
82-64 Play Effect Length Effect Data
This same code is used at the start of the music to define the Effect.
Subsequent Play Effects used outside the Pattern will play the effect based on the last note used.
If Play Effect is used inside another Effect, the command will be ignored.
Code: Select all
C5-01 Note Tempo Tempo
Tempos are measured in Ticks. Valid Tempos are from 1 to 255
Code: Select all
C6-01 Efx Tempo Tempo
Tempos are measured in Ticks. Valid Tempos are from 1 to 255
Code: Select all
C7-01 Play Sample SMP ID Len lo Len hi Sample Data
The speed may be varied between 200hz and 5000hz in steps of 300Hz.
Volume and pitch of Samples is not changeable so Samples are intended as percussion (Digidrums) or special effects.
Up to 16 Samples may be defined but the total size of samples is limited to the available
Code: Select all
C8-01 Set Noise NoisePW
Code: Select all
C9-01 Set Filter Filter
Code: Select all
CA-01 AY Channel A
unless a different channel command is issued.
Code: Select all
CB-01 AY Channel B
unless a different channel command is issued.
Code: Select all
CC-01 AY Channel C
unless a different channel command is issued.
Code: Select all
CD-01 Virtual D
unless a different channel command is issued.
Virtual Channel D may be used in conjuction with the interlace command to provide a further
Chip channel.
Virtual Channel D may also be used to control Envelope waveforms, control SID, play Noise Effects
or dynamically change the Tempo of the music.
Infact any command may be used in Virtual Channels, but if they address Pitch, Note or Volume
they will have no affect.
Code: Select all
CE-01 Virtual E
unless a different channel command is issued.
This channels behaves in just the same manner as Virtual Channel D.
Code: Select all
CF-01 SID Virtual F
unless a different channel command is issued.
Virtual Channel F may behave exactly like any other virtual channel except that if pitch is used
it will affect the SID pitch.
Code: Select all
D0-01 AY Change All
This command is usually issued whenever a global change to volume or pitch is required.
Code: Select all
D1-01 Mask Register Register Value Mask
Mask Register allows a register to be written to but to exclude making changes to certain bits.
For example to disable Channel A Chip Oscillator from output (perhaps in order to play a sample), the Mask Register would be used to Set Bit 0 of the Status Register using Register $07, Value $01, Mask $FE.
Code: Select all
D2-01 Start SID Register Style Sync
Code: Select all
D3-01 Stop SID
Code: Select all
D4-01 Set Note OFS Offset
It is also valid (Although ill advised) to use inside patterns and Effects.
Code: Select all
D5-01 Set Pitch OFS Offset
Code: Select all
D6-01 Slide Up Step Period
Code: Select all
D7-01 Slide Down Step Period
Code: Select all
D8-01 Slide to Note
In addition, the step size will dynamically accomodate the range of pitches used so that the same range at lower frequencies will sound similar at higher frequencies.
If used outside the Pattern, the command will be ignored.
If no Note exists immediately before or after, then the command will be ignored.
Code: Select all
D9-01 Stop Slide
remain active.
Code: Select all
DA-01 Loop Position Pos lo Pos hi
Inside an Effect, it will mark the loop location for that effect.
In both instances the Loop command will not consume any events.
Code: Select all
DB-01 Arpeggio Steps
The three notes are the current note, plus a second note up to 15 semitones from the first, and a third note again up to 15 semitones from the first.
If either second or third note offsets are zero, then the switching acts between two notes instead of three.
Code: Select all
DC-01 Vibrato Steps
The three volumes are the original volume, and two other relative volume jumps up 15 levels.
If either second or third volume offsets are zero, then the switching acts between two instead of three volumes
Code: Select all
DD-01 Tremelo Steps
The three pitches are the current pitch, plus a second pitch up to 15 pitches from the first, and a third again up to 15 pitches from the first.
If either second or third Pitch offsets are zero, then the switching acts between two instead of three.
Code: Select all
DE-01 Set Rules Rule Parameter
Code: Select all
DF-01 Fine Tune Base lo Base hi
Code: Select all
E1-01 VSlide Up Period End Volume
The slide will stop and remain if 15 is reached
Code: Select all
E2-01 Vslide Down Period End Volume
The slide will stop and remain if zero is reached
Code: Select all
E3-01 Exec Patch Patch lo Patch hi
Code: Select all
E4-01 Set Register Register Value
Set Register allows a register to be written to directly.
For example to Set the Envelope Cycle to Triangle Waveform, the Set Register command would be used to write the value of 8 into register $D.
Therefore the code would be $E4,$0D,$08
Code: Select all
E5-01 Set Reg Pair Register Value lo Value hi
Set Reg Pair (Or Set Register Pair) allows a 16 bit register to be written to directly.
For example to Set the Envelope Period to $000A, the Set Register Pair command would be used to write the value of $0A into register $0B and the value of $00 into register $0C.
Therefore the code would be $E5,$0B,$00,$0A
Code: Select all
E6-01 Rest(Pattern)
A Rest is useful at the start of a Pattern if no note should be played.
A rest may also be used in conjunction with a Volume change in order to change the volume during the pattern without modifying the note.
Code: Select all
E7-01 Interlace Channel Speed
Code: Select all
E8-08 Track Start Len Name Track Name
Their is no Track End Command since a track End occurs at the next Track Start.
Each Track may have an associated name.
Code: Select all
F0-01 Hear Volume
Code: Select all
F1-01 Set Song info
Code: Select all
FF-01 Go!!