The problem was with the way you'd composed the music.. you'd not done it the way i would have done it.. in fact that is very cool cos i wouldn't have found it otherwise

I usually assign each channel to a particular area of the music which i carry through the complete piece. However you jump between using a channel for the bass track and using the same channel in a different pattern for the lead. This meant any Ornament tied to the bass track was being carried into the lead track, which is clearly wrong.
It highlighted the mistake i'd made in the code and i corrected it.
The Music player is still very small. After the corrections it is still 1277 Bytes. However this is the first version of Wave, and doesn't support the commands you have used. I will endeavour to incorperate these same corrections into the next version of wave but i suggest for now you keep with this version.
The compiler was doing Wave 2.0 stuff, so i removed that.
The old compiled 1337G was 2701 Bytes whereas the compiler now generates 2303 Bytes. This could be reduced even more if you remove the commands.
There seems to be still a slight problem with the looping, less noticeable than before but i couldn't see the problem in the code at all. Let me know if you can't work with it as it stands and i'll try to fix that one too

I'll package everything up and get you the player source asap