MIDI play for Oric.

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Re: MIDI play for Oric.

Post by Dbug »

peacer wrote:So.. Where can I find this "YM2MYM.EXE" tool?

Even google gave this topic only and one C source on OSDK :)
http://miniserve.defence-force.org/svn/ ... ym2mym.exe
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Re: MIDI play for Oric.

Post by peacer »

Thank you so much :)

I'll create a surprise disc soon . I succesfully created many magnificient musics from YM archives.. Its like a dream really.

Is there a chance to use any music formats other than .YM with this method? ( Like .SNDH of atari, .SND of amstrad, SID of commodore etc.. )

http://sndh.atari.org/ contains vast archive of SNDH music but i suppose the utility converts only .YM files . I can't convert any .SNDH file to Oric.

I found this page for .YM archive with some of .YM music but its not as much as SNDH

I try to find a way to convert .SNDH to .YM but can't find much information from internet
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Re: MIDI play for Oric.

Post by Dbug »

Most SNDH can be converted to YM, but that require a bit more work.
Basically a SNDH is the equivalent of a SID file: It's both music data and 68000 assembler code that replays it, so to play a SNDH you need a 68000 emulator (or to run it on a real Atari ST) at which point it generates YM register data that you can dump and save.
I did that already, but it's not automated.

If you can find a SNDH player that can save register dumps, that would work.

It's probably also possible to find a SNDH player source code and modify it to generate YM files.
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Re: MIDI play for Oric.

Post by peacer »

Hmm thanks.

I also observed that .AY format files could also be easily converted to .YM with AY emulator program. This enlarges the music database that can be transferred to Oric.

Just an example :) First I converted prince of persia music from .AY to .YM. Then to MYM etc..

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Re: MIDI play for Oric.

Post by Chema »

That is cool! I somewhat toyed with the idea of porting Prince of Persia to the Oric... Now that cumulus is available it may be worth considering...
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Re: MIDI play for Oric.

Post by peacer »

Thanks :) With the advances in software and hardware tools, now everything seems to be possible to me.
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Re: MIDI play for Oric.

Post by barnsey123 »

peacer wrote:Hmm thanks.

I also observed that .AY format files could also be easily converted to .YM with AY emulator program. This enlarges the music database that can be transferred to Oric.

Just an example :) First I converted prince of persia music from .AY to .YM. Then to MYM etc..

Excellent! If you find and convert any classical music conversions can you let me know? Especially interested in anything by Wagner ( the ring cycle ) or Debussy (la mer).
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Re: MIDI play for Oric.

Post by peacer »

I think I've found some classicals from Beethoven and Mozart. I'm at work now, when I go back home I will check and let you know :)
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Re: MIDI play for Oric.

Post by barnsey123 »

peacer wrote:I think I've found some classicals from Beethoven and Mozart. I'm at work now, when I go back home I will check and let you know :)
Great, thanks. :D
Also Holst ( the planets ) :wink:
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Re: MIDI play for Oric.

Post by Steve M »

Twilighte told me he wrote Sonix to be MIDI compatible. We never got a working MIDI interface for the Atmos and so it couldn't be implemented but he said the structure was there.

It makes me wonder whether a program could be written to convert MIDI files to Sonix(?)

I used to try and get my Atari ST and Yamaha DX11 keyboard working together but the keyboard was too old and it didn't recognise the different voices. I could play some piano pieces etc. If too many voices came in the keyboard buffer got overloaded with information.

What may work a little better on the Oric is ABC files. I'm not sure if these are well known. It is a method of writing music with just the letter name. Players can play back the pitches like a MIDI file but it tends to be a bit basic. (It's used in for folk music quite a lot.) That would suit the Oric though and not have all the complication of different voices. http://abcnotation.com/software
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Re: MIDI play for Oric.

Post by ibisum »

I'd love to have a renewed look at MIDI. Seems really do'able, but if you tackled it with Twi and didn't get far, its gotta be a good reason.
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Re: MIDI play for Oric.

Post by Steve M »

Not me - it was all Twi. He was on the search for a working MIDI port for the Oric. I think the Telestrat ones don't work(?) and there were rumours of an add-on for the Atmos but it is as rare as an Graphiscope. I believe some tried to build one but I'm not sure if it was ever done successfully. I think someone managed to build something but couldn't sort the interface. I don't remember exactly.
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Re: MIDI play for Oric.

Post by retroric »

peacer wrote:Hmm thanks.

I also observed that .AY format files could also be easily converted to .YM with AY emulator program. This enlarges the music database that can be transferred to Oric.

Just an example :) First I converted prince of persia music from .AY to .YM. Then to MYM etc..

I'm digging an almost 5-year old post, I know, but what is a mere 5 years in Oric time ?? :-)

Anyway... I just wanted to tell you that in addition to the music being great, I also found your Prince of Persia screens really neat! ! Are you working on an actual port of Prince of Persia for the Oric ?? That would be aaaawesome !! ;-)

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Re: MIDI play for Oric.

Post by peacer »

Thank you very much for your compliments.

Unfortunately, porting such a game to Oric is beyond my talents. Its impossible for a one-man duty. I just tried to re-create some of game screens and music on Oric.

I do believe it is possible to port it in a way better than a sinclair spectrum one. But I don't have that skill :)

Maybe one day.... why not?
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Re: MIDI play for Oric.

Post by retroric »

Hi there,
You'r very welcome, this was sincere, you really have a talent for graphics, that's for sure!!

I do understand though what you mean about porting this game, I am very well aware this would be a monstruous task, and I for one would also be unable of such a feat... I I were more skilled in 6502 development and if I had enough free time I would gladly offer you a hand, but unfortunately, I'm nowhere as talented as all you people out here...

Mind you, I think we all knew at least one guy that could have done it all by himself... Our deeply missed Jonathan, aka Twilighte... I was so impressed by his work, and particularly by his port of 'Stormlord'... I used to love playing this game on the Atari ST, and once I discovered and tried his Oric port, I just got transported back in time and magic, he managed to recreate the atmosphere of the game so well, this really was an awesome piece of work... I really wish I could have had the opportunity to meet this guy, and I will always rank him very high in my personal 'hall of fame' !

Anyway, I don't want to try and entice or force anyone into doing it, but there are other people around here who are blessed with all the talent they need to do it quite easily.... The likes of Dbug and Chema for instance... So guys, if you ever get bored and don't know what game to develop next for the Oric, here's a challenge for you :-)

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