New Oric Music Editor(Audio Tracker) in development

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New Oric Music Editor(Audio Tracker) in development

Post by Twilighte »

I am currently writing a new music editor for the Oric Atmos.
You'll all be pleased to know i have finished some initial tests of the sound routines and they work fine. I now have to add some more commands and test the rest of the editor.

Their are still loads to do, like i have disk directory working but load/save not done yet (Using sedoric under asm for the first time!!) and no SID code added yet.
Memory is also getting tight, but i believe it won't be a problem.
Anyway here is a demo of what i have so far.
Load under Sedoric, then you can see directory stuff. ... usic/x.tap

And here are some more screenshots...


The menus have been my biggest triumph so far. Although i still plan to code ESC to quit a submenu (Currently left cursor).
Return to enter an editor from menus, -/= to mod values, Right cursor to enter submenus or cursor down to select submenu from top.
Many menu options are not working yet. But simple music is possible, just remember no save/load facility atm. :(
Please note for the time being, 10 music files are permitted for any given disc. I have had problems finding memory to store the directory and facilitate a scrolling/page selection thing.
This last one shows how the Effect/Pattern split can be moved (5 settings)so either allowing a bigger pattern or Effect area.
Type the Key sequence (from menu) FCE to access help screen for keys in any editor, though only first three work atm. ;)

And here is the current issue log (Known and fixed issues)...

Code: Select all

03012007-01 Exiting from pattern to main menu corrupts pattern when entering\exiting menu again 	[FIXED]
03012007-02 Acceleration keys inoperative								[FIXED]
03012007-03 Highlighting in Pattern not coded                                                           [Fixed]
03012007-04 Highlighting in List not coded								[Fixed]
03012007-05 Highlighting in Effects not coded
03012007-06 No sound yet (needs testing)								[Fixed]
03012007-07 Need to code musical keyboard in patterns							[Fixed]
03012007-09 Grabbed item not shown in Patterns								[Fixed]
03012007-10 Grabbed item not shown in List                                      			[Fixed]
03012007-11 Grabbed item not shown in Effects								[Fixed]
03012007-12 No code to turn off Glow Cursor to single colour(Red)					[Fixed]
03012007-13 Edit keys doesn't allow edit of keys
03012007-14 Need to sort saving preferences
03012007-15 code Save
03012007-16 code Load
03012007-17 code Update Save
03012007-18 code Restore Old
03012007-19 code Stats
03012007-20 code imports
03012007-21 Exiting from editor should return to exact editor option in Menus (and make configurable)
03012007-22 Code Wipe list
03012007-23 Code Wipe Pattern
03012007-24 Code Copy Pattern (Complete)
03012007-25 Code Play Pattern
03012007-26 Code Buffer Ops
03012007-27 Effects cursor displaced over left music keyboard						[Fixed]
03012007-28 No Esc out of effects to menu								[Fixed]
03012007-29 Code Wipe Effect
03012007-30 Code Copy Effect
03012007-31 Code Edit Sids
03012007-32 Have sort of indicator to show what is in copy buffer					[Fixed]
	    ie. Global buffer so show buffer line... in left of Legend
03012007-33 Code Clear SIDSET
03012007-34 Code Copy SIDSET
03012007-35 Code Song Tracking
03012007-36 Code Help
03012007-37 Code About
03012007-38 Code Play
03012007-39 Code Stop
03012007-40 Code Pause
03012007-41 Cut, Paste and Overlay(Super-Impose) in Pattern not coded
03012007-42 Cut, Copy & Paste in List not coded
03012007-43 Cut, Copy & Paste in Effects not coded
04012007-01 Resizing of Effects										[Fixed]
04012007-02 Add option to make highlighting permanent							[Fixed]
04012007-03 Using Accelerator keys should Expand menu 							[Fixed]
04012007-04 Accelerator key sequence should be shown in right of statusbar				[Fixed]
04012007-05 Current Editor should be shown in Statusbar with buffer usage(UpdateBufferAssignment)	[Fixed]
04012007-06 Combine right shift with left and represent just with single value (left)                   [Fixed]
04012007-07 Accelerator key doesn't jump to field							[Fixed]
04012007-08 Accelerator Key and Save\Load doesn't read Directory
04012007-09 Accelerator key does go to Action but cursor not repositioned 				[Fixed]
05012007-01 ESC should exit menu back to level 0
05012007-02 Exiting Editor to menu freezes key response for 1 press
06012007-01 Copy in Patterns										[Fixed]
06012007-02 "This is not an Action" overwrites editor in statusbar (limited to 20)			[Fixed]
06012007-04 Plot Buffer association in statusbar							[Fixed]
06012007-05 Validate Effect before running or possibly exiting editor
06012007-06 Add Fill options in Pattern Buffer Ops
06012007-07 Redesign Better charset									[Fixed]
07012007-01 No Esc from Effects										[Fixed]
07012007-02 Changing pattern does not update pattern number in heading					[Fixed]
08012007-01 Resizing patterns corrupts top 2 lines of music keyboard					[Fixed]
09012007-01 Cannot decrement Volume, Noise or Delay in Effects
09012007-02 Relative Volume,Noise and Envelope show wrong text in effect editor				[Fixed]
09012007-03 No Key for delay in Effect Editor								[Fixed]
09012007-04 No key for Loop back in Effect Editor                  					[Fixed]
10012007-01 Effect Commands should have a more logical key arrangement					[Fixed]
12012007-01 Volume monitors should update in pattern editor for each row whilst editing unless playing
12012007-02 Volume in effect Set volume goes from 14 to 16!!
12012007-03 Transpose not coded
13012007-01 Insert in Patterns
13012007-02 Delete in Patterns
13012007-03 Insert in List
13012007-04 Delete in List
13012007-05 Insert in Effects
13012007-06 Delete in Effects
14012007-01 Accelerator keys seem to muck up K:xxxx path
Last edited by Twilighte on Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Music prog

Post by Steve M »

It's looking good !

Will it have any differeant abilities to your previous editors ?

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Post by Twilighte »

Yes, for yourself, it will have the ability to enter notes through the Virtual musical keyboard, whereby each physical Oric key will be mapped to a piano musical key.
Stuff like QWERTY being CDEFGA white notes and 23567 black notes.
The range is as per the screen shot whilst the octave is completely configurable.
This method of entry will be accessable from the Pattern Editor and the input will be stepped or timed depending on your choice.

Their will also be a completely configurable SIDSound engine plus Digidrum.

The menu system has completely changed too, and their are way too many other enhancements to mention here.

The demo previously supplied only contains a fraction of the available functions, since it was an extremely early development version.
A new version will appear here within the next couple of weeks.
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Post by Twilighte »

So much new stuff done now, i had tried to implement SidSound but it was so difficult to get the correct frequency i have dropped it for the initial version. As Dbug said, let people give feedback and then make such enhancements. Anyway, the current version has some major enhancements and loads of bugs fixed.
Some of the more major changes are as follows...
1) Ornaments (Sequences of Relative Note changes) added to patterns
2) Pattern reserved for Game Effects
3) Musical Keyboard interface finished
4) Loads of options added/removed from menus
5) Sedoric Disc handling now works
6) Tape load still broken :(
7) Pitchbend implemented in Patterns (And tested)
8 ) Envelope Generator implemented in Patterns (and tested)
9) And probably half a dozen other enhancements i forgot to mention.
Have a look, and to fully test it, ensure you have disc system running, currently no protection against you attempting to use disc commands on non-disc system.

Issues oustanding to date (Follows on from previous list)

Code: Select all

03012007-20 Code Import Sonix File Exit
03012007-36 Code Help
14012007-06 Key Editor highlights full row if no key to right(Visual flaw)
14012007-09 Dbug: support for Optical pen(Too Much extra code and tables for Version 1)
14012007-13 Dbug: How to do your first song tutorial - create one instrument, two patterns and save
14012007-16 Code SID Edit Play
15012007-07 Tape Load corrupts cursor in submenu
18012007-04 Add French AZERTY layout for Musical keyboard layout Show: and interpret based on selection
20012007-01 Stats CPU usage not coded
25012007-08 Code Play List Pattern in List Editor
25012007-07 Code Play Pattern in Pattern Editor
26012007-09 Write Manual and Examples
28012007-06 highlight keys dissapeared from effect musical keyboard(Only when duplicates ON)
05022007-01 Refresh Editors after altering data or pointers in menus
14022007-01 Code Compiler Exit
18022007-04 Regression Testing: Check Musical Keyboard sequencer
18022007-05 Regression Testing: Check Musical Keyboard from Effects
18022007-06 Reorganise Pattern Keys
18022007-07 Reorganise List Keys
18022007-08 Reorganise Effect Keys
18022007-09 Reorganise Ornament Keys
18022007-10 Reorganise SID Keys
18022007-15 Test Pattern Noise
21022007-05 Volume monitors incorrect again
26022007-05 Corrupt Effect title - Leftmost character is "-"
26022007-07 Saving over different type updates selected type range
27022007-03 Pasting beyond bottom bounds of pattern corrupts start of pattern
27022007-04 When recording in Timed mode, finishing pattern ends cursor in 65th entry
And the release 0.2 (Version number now shown in Key Help Editor (Alt H from any editor) ... sic/at.tap

Oh and sorry, still no manual atm :(
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Post by Dbug »

I really like the menu system, except the cycling color on the current selection that just kills me eyes... I like the highlight of the hot keys, and everything dynamic is a nice touch :)

Except this I was not able to do much things, except having "boing" sound in the instrument editor. Looks like the only thing we can do is to move up and down to select a line in the effect, and press space to switch between two values ?

Seriously, you don't need to write a full documentation, but at least a minimum of explanations about what is doable and how to do it - even better, release it as a DSK file with a sample music ? - would make the result of the test way more useful for you.

All I can say is that the menu system is cool. I have no idea what the texts mean: Nm probably stands for Number, EV for Event, but what are N RST EONCPP ? :shock:
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Post by Twilighte »

Dbug wrote: I really like the menu system, except the cycling color on the current selection that just kills me eyes... I like the highlight of the hot keys, and everything dynamic is a nice touch :)
The colour cycling aswell as many other features are all configurable which in the next version (Version 0.6) will be loaded at bootup and saved on exit. The alternate mode is a plain red cursor.
Dbug wrote:Except this I was not able to do much things, except having "boing" sound in the instrument editor. Looks like the only thing we can do is to move up and down to select a line in the effect, and press space to switch between two values ?
Ok, their are currently 3 ways to get information on how to use this tracker.
1) Look at the example Videos (Which should now feature showing the actually keys pressed in the statusbar)
2) Look at the Manual. The manual provides all information about AT although it can seem a little daunting at first.
3) Play around with the Tracker itself. The last version had a couple of demo songs on the disc. The only harm you can really do is to overwrite them which isn't much since you can always download again.
Dbug wrote:Seriously, you don't need to write a full documentation, but at least a minimum of explanations about what is doable and how to do it - even better, release it as a DSK file with a sample music ? - would make the result of the test way more useful for you.
You can find the full manual here... ... mation.htm
You can download the latest version here... ... wnload.htm
You can view the video demonstrations here... ... Videos.htm
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Post by Twilighte »

Apologies People but i have decided to stop development of this utility since it has been superceded by AYT (See other message), an 8 Track Tracker for your Atmos and D/D.
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